According to the new policy, Twitter verifies six different types of accounts; for three of them companies, brands, and influential individuals like activists , the presence of a Wikipedia page will be one criterion for showing that the account has "Off Twitter Notability". This has been released in countries with slow internet connection such as the Philippines.
Twitter Lite has evolved into the main Twitter web interface, see section " interface ". For many years, Twitter has limited the use of third-party applications accessing the service by implementing a , user limit per application. This was done to increase security and improve the user experience.
This feature adds websites to the bottom of a tweet's permalink page. If a website embedded a tweet onto one of their stories, the tweet will show the websites that mentioned the tweet. This feature was added onto Twitter so if the viewer doesn't understand what the tweet means, they can click on the sites to read more about what the person is talking about.
In , Twitter began to roll out the ability to attach poll questions to tweets. Polls are open for up to 7 days, and voters are not personally identified. Initially, polls could have only two options with a maximum of twenty characters per option.
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Later [ when? On June 1, , Twitter announced its own integrated photo-sharing service that enables users to upload a photo and attach it to a Tweet right from Twitter. In , Twitter began to place a larger focus on live streaming video programming, hosting various events including streams of the Republican and Democratic conventions during the U. During an event in New York in May , Twitter announced that it planned to construct a hour streaming video channel hosted within the service, featuring content from various partners.
Twitter has offered two different methods [ clarify ] of archiving one's own Twitter account data. Those methods have their individual benefits and disadvantages. Since August , only the latter archival method is available. In December , Twitter introduced a "Tweet archival" feature, which created a ZIP file that contains an offline-browsable archive of all tweets. Those exported tweets could be browsed and searched offline by using the bundled user-interface accessible through an Internet browser , which used client-side, JavaScript-powered pagination.
The user interface of the tweet archive browser had a design similar to Twitter's — desktop user interface, even until the feature's removal. The tweet text contents, ID's, time data and source labels are located in the file called " tweets. The ability to export this type of tweet archive, which never existed on the new layout , has been removed entirely in August [when exactly? Even when accessing the legacy Twitter desktop website layout using the user-agent of an older browser version, the option has disappeared from the account settings.
It was possible to request at least 1 archive per day [ verification needed ]. Due to the legal GDPR §20 obligation effective since May to provide data portability , social media services had to introduce advanced data export capabilities and utilities. The original browsable tweet archives lacked a lot of metadata, especially about the account itself, which the new machine-readable archival feature does contain:.
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However, this new archival format contains all uploaded multimedia in the highest resolution, which makes its file size usually multiple times as large. Another disadvantage is that one can only generate one of these archives per 30 days. After obtaining this archive, one has to wait 30 days until requesting the next archive is possible.

During that timespan, the previous archive remains downloadable from the account settings. This feature co-existed with the original browsable tweet archival feature since early , until the latter was removed in August They were first launched in Brazil in the month of March. In December , a new feature was launched allowing users to share tweets directly to multimedia messaging app Snapchat.
In addition, Twitter will test a similar feature for stories on Instagram for a small group of iOS users. In March , Twitter said it was testing a new feature, "undo send", for paid accounts. This feature would allow the paying users to withdraw their tweet before being posted but within a short time.
Daily user estimates vary as the company does not publish statistics on active accounts. A February Compete. Twitter's annual growth rate decreased from 7. In , Twitter was mainly used by older adults who might not have used other social sites before Twitter, said Jeremiah Owyang , an industry analyst studying social media. However, comScore also stated in that Twitter had begun to "filter more into the mainstream", and "along with it came a culture of celebrity as Shaq , Britney Spears and Ashton Kutcher joined the ranks of the Twitterati".
According to a study by Sysomos in June , women make up a slightly larger Twitter demographic than men—fifty-three percent over forty-seven percent. It also stated that five percent of users accounted for seventy-five percent of all activity and that New York City has more Twitter users than other cities. On September 7, , Twitter announced that it had million active users logging in at least once a month and 50 million active users every day. In an article published on January 6, , Twitter was confirmed to be the biggest social media network in Japan, with Facebook following closely in second.
In , the country with the most active users on Twitter was the United States.
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In May , The Industry Standard remarked that Twitter's long-term viability is limited by a lack of revenue. In July , some of Twitter's revenue and user growth documents were published on TechCrunch after being illegally obtained by Hacker Croll. In response, Twitter co-founder Biz Stone published a blog post suggesting the possibility of legal action against the hacker. On April 13, , Twitter announced plans to offer paid advertising for companies that would be able to purchase "promoted tweets" to appear in selective search results on the Twitter website, similar to Google Adwords' advertising model.
The self-service advertising platform was launched in March to American Express card members and merchants in the U. Twitter later reported that numerous small businesses and people who used the self-service tool provided feedback that indicated they were impressed by the feature. On August 3, , Twitter launched Instant Unlock Card, a new feature that encourages people to tweet about a brand in order to earn rewards and utilize the social media network's conversational ads.
The format itself consists of images or videos with call-to-action buttons and a customizable hashtag. On September 12, , Twitter announced that it had filed papers with the U. This decision was widely viewed to be a reaction to the botched initial public offering of Facebook.
He said while Twitter would "never lose that feeling" of speed, users could do more with the text.
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In November , the Paradise Papers , a set of confidential electronic documents relating to offshore investment , revealed that Twitter is among the corporations that avoided paying taxes by using offshore companies. In the US election cycle, In October , Twitter banned the Russian media outlets RT and Sputnik from advertising on their website following the conclusions of the U. In October , Twitter announced it would stop running political ads on its ad platform effective November This resulted from several spurious claims made by political ads.
Company CEO Dorsey clarified that internet advertising had great power and was extremely effective for commercial advertisers, the power brings significant risks to politics where crucial decisions impact millions of lives. Twitter places great reliance on open-source software. In the early days of Twitter, tweets were stored in MySQL databases that were temporally sharded large databases were split based on time of posting. After the huge volume of tweets coming in caused problems reading from and writing to these databases, the company decided that the system needed re-engineering.
From Spring to , the messages were handled by a Ruby persistent queue server called Starling. This boost was greater than the 10x improvement that Twitter's engineers envisioned when starting the switch.
The continued development of Twitter has also involved a switch from monolithic development of a single app to an architecture where different services are built independently and joined through remote procedure calls. As of April 6, , Twitter engineers confirmed that they had switched away from their Ruby on Rails search stack to a Java server they call Blender. Individual tweets are registered under unique IDs using software called snowflake , and geolocation data is added using 'Rockdove'.
The URL shortener t. Next, the tweets are stored in a MySQL database using Gizzard , and the user receives an acknowledgement that the tweets were sent. Tweets are then sent to search engines via the Firehose API. The process is managed by FlockDB and takes an average of ms. On August 16, , Raffi Krikorian , Twitter's vice president of platform engineering, shared in a blog post that the company's infrastructure handled almost , tweets per second during that week, setting a new record.
Krikorian explained that Twitter achieved this record by blending its homegrown and open source technologies. The service's application programming interface API allows other web services and applications to integrate with Twitter. Twitter introduced the first major redesign of its user interface in September , adopting a dual-pane layout with a navigation bar along the top of the screen, and an increased focus on the inline embedding of multimedia content. Critics considered the redesign an attempt to emulate features and experiences found in mobile apps and third-party Twitter clients.
The new layout was revised in with a focus on continuity with the web and mobile versions, introducing "Connect" interactions with other users such as replies and "Discover" further information regarding trending topics and news headlines tabs, an updated profile design, and moving all content to the right pane leaving the left pane dedicated to functions and the trending topics list. About 13, volunteers helped with translating the menu options. In September , a new layout for profiles was introduced, with larger "covers" that could be customized with a custom header image, and a display of the user's recent photos posted.
In September , Twitter began to migrate selected web users to its progressive web app based on its Twitter Lite experience for mobile web , reducing the interface to two columns. Migrations to this iteration of Twitter increased in April , with some users receiving it with a modified layout. In July , Twitter officially released this redesign, with no further option to opt-out while logged in.
It is designed to further-unify Twitter's user experience between the web and application versions, adopting a three-column layout with a sidebar containing links to common areas including Explore , and features from the mobile version such as multi-account support, and an opt-out for the "top tweets" mode on the timeline. During an outage, Twitter users were at one time shown the "fail whale" error message image created by Yiying Lu, [] illustrating eight orange birds using a net to hoist a whale from the ocean captioned "Too many tweets!
Please wait a moment and try again.
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Twitter had approximately ninety-eight percent uptime in or about six full days of downtime. Twitter messages are public, but users can also send private "direct messages". The service also reserves the right to sell this information as an asset if the company changes hands. A security vulnerability was reported on April 7, , by Nitesh Dhanjani and Rujith. Since Twitter used the phone number of the sender of an SMS message as authentication, malicious users could update someone else's status page by using SMS spoofing.
Within a few weeks of this discovery, Twitter introduced an optional personal identification number PIN that its users could use to authenticate their SMS-originating messages. On January 5, , 33 high-profile Twitter accounts were compromised after a Twitter administrator's password was guessed by a dictionary attack.
Twitter launched the beta version of their "Verified Accounts" service on June 11, , allowing people with public profiles to announce their account name. The home pages of these accounts display a badge indicating their status. In May , a bug was discovered by İnci Sözlük that could allow a Twitter user to force others to follow them without the other users' consent or knowledge.
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For example, comedian Conan O'Brien 's account, which had been set to follow only one person, was changed to receive nearly malicious subscriptions. This was the first time the FTC had taken action against a social network for security lapses.
The settlement requires Twitter to take a number of steps to secure users' private information, including maintenance of a "comprehensive information security program" to be independently audited biannually. On December 14, , the United States Department of Justice issued a subpoena directing Twitter to provide information for accounts registered to or associated with WikiLeaks. When a user held the mouse cursor over blacked-out parts of a tweet, the worm within the script would automatically open links and re-post itself on the reader's account.